Tuesday 25 January 2011

Emergency Phone Call

Yesterday was my first day of school in York University. We had orientations and Dawn talked about the safety problems. When she referred to the emergency phone calls, she mentioned that we should never be bored for being asked so many questions when we call the emergency centre, because the moment they got our address, they have set off for our places. And the more information we give them ,the more efficient they may be. To prove this, she gave us her own experiences. When last time she called the 999, they asked her a lot of questions. While she just hang up the phone, the first-aid personnel has already stood behind. It's quite interesting,but I feel the long phone call means more than enough information. They may also want to help the victim to calm down by talking with someone, instead let they stay alone in the danger. I never called an emergency centre in China, and I don't want to. But I still want to know how the China's emergency phone call works?