Thursday 10 February 2011

“If I have…”is a False Proposition

Yesterday, when we were going to the management department in Heslinton East, we planned to take a No.4 bus so that we did not have to wait so long. But after waiting for 15 minutes we put ourselves into a discussion. Whether or not should we walk to the Heslinton East at that moment? It would take us 20 minutes walking there which means we might be 5 minutes late. But waiting for the bus seemed to be a risk that we might be late for more than 5 minutes. Finally we decided to walk there.
Unfortunately , on our way there, there was a No.4 bus passing by, which made us regretted for not keeping waiting. However, in my point of view, there was nothing to be regretted. Nobody would be so lucky to have the Prophecy. If the decision is based on the current knowledge and rational reasoning, the decision would never be blamed. Even though the result is not we wanted, we should not regret for our decision.
Still, there is a famous song in Chinanamed “afterwards”. The main meaning of that song is a girl regret giving up her ex-boyfriend who treated her so well. Sometimes, girls are bothered by the potential regret in the future when they are making a choice of their husbands. But, I think this is the same false proposition as the No.4 bus story. Why not just follow your hear? Nobody would ever know about the future.

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