Thursday 10 February 2011

“U”& “∩”

When I was in Turkey, I live in Muslims. I feel that Muslim lived a life of letter “U”, that the family and the religion were the highest, but the nationality is not that high. So they take their own family and all people of their religion of the most important part.
But in China, we lived “”life. We don’t have a unique religion for all Chinese, but all Chinese take nationality as a holy thing in their heart. That’s why the politics conflicts about territorial integrity usually attracted a lot of attention of the Chinese group.
While I am in UK now, I wonder if there is a certain letter for western people?


  1. Interesting idea Jing. Have you worked out our letter yet? Maybe an 'O' because we're all different, some have a religion, some don't, some are proud to be British, some are not, to some people family is very important, but to others it's not! What do you think?



  2. thx~Dawn! I think I really learn a lot ~
