Tuesday 1 February 2011

My Lovely Host-families

I must say I am a lucky dog that I have so many warm host-families.
My first host-family was in US. When I went to US for an exchange program in high school, I lived in their beautiful forest house in Connecticut. They gave me a warm welcome at that time by taking me to all the interesting places around their hometown and held a welcome party for me with all their cousins and friends coming. Though I only spent one week with them, we really had an amazing time together.
My second host-family was in Izmit, Kocaeli, Turkey, where I had my internship last summer. I never had contact with Muslims before. But I really lived an unforgettable life in their family. I can’t forget the amazing night we spent in their cottage facing Marmara Sea. But for the big tree in front of our cottage, we could have a complete bird-view of the whole Marmara Sea. All of a sudden I saw Uncle Osman straggled to the tree and began to cut it!! They did all their best to let me live happily there. Just like Uncle Osman said, I am his daughter in China.
Then I will talk about my lovely new host-family in York. Anne is an energetic lady who is so considerate and open-minded. I felt her warm-heart the first moment I stepped in my room. It’s a lovely pink room with a soft warm bed and toys everywhere. Though pink is not my favourite colour, I still feel like it. Because I felt I am not a young lady but a young girl who is well looked after. She is also open-minded which could help us to understand each other very well. We all went to Turkey, so we shared our experiences and talked about our views towards Turkey. I feel she is so kind and she understand me so well. And I believe I will surely have another happy experience with my third host-family. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jing

    You have been so lucky with all your host families. It is so interesting that the three families are from very different backgrounds and cultures, yet they were all the same! Kind, generous and wanting to share their home and culture with you. I'm sure that you will never forget your time with each family.


