Tuesday 1 February 2011

Just a Guess

I went to the British Museum last Sunday.  There I saw many great pieces all around world, of different cultures. By comparing China’s crafts with the European crafts, I began to think about the reason for the apparent differences. I believe most people have noticed the difference that China’s crafts are abstract while the European ones are realistic.
I guess this difference probably comes from the figure differences between Chinese and Europeans. Chinese have flat face with straight hair, while Europeans have high noise, deep eyes and curly hair.  When ancient people draw pictures or create sculptures they prefer complex image. So the Chinese artists found it more interesting to focus on their imagines, while the European artists would be glad to follow the human beauties.
But this is just my guess.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Jing

    You may have made a guess, what we call an 'educated guess' and I am happy to agree with you. You would have to do a lot of research to find out if you are right! Perhaps you could study the history of art at MA and find out for sure!


